Science Versus Religion
So, I wasn't sure that I wanted to tackle this topic. But after Pope Francis talked about the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory, I felt like I had to at least throw my hat in the ring. Now, to be clear, I am not Catholic, and I don't really have any strong feelings about the Catholic church in general. In fact, this post is really more about the relationship that science and religion (namely Christianity) have had since their inception. And also what I believe that relationship should evolve into. Now, contrary to what the media would have you believe, Pope Francis did not actually say that he believes that the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang theory are scientific fact. Time Magazine did a pretty good article clearing up the confusion about what the Pope actually said. I highly suggest you go read it here: Sorry, But Media Coverage of Pope Francis is Papal Bull Bad puns about the Catholic church aside, it's actually rare and refreshing to see ...