Pain And Perseverance
Pain. How can such a simple word evoke such a plethora of emotions and meanings? Physical pain, emotional pain, psychological pain, mental pain, sympathetic pain, if there is one universal emotion that all of humanity understands it is pain. Some might say love or selfishness but I believe pain is the one emotion that unites (and separates) humanity. No matter where you go in the world you will not find a people who do not fear pain. Even the tiny newborn understands pain. Perhaps even worse than pain is the fear of pain. Pain isn't always that bad but the fear and anxiety that comes before and with pain can be agonizing. Think of the lengths humanity has gone to avoid pain. How many modern inventions are centered around making life more comfortable? Humans as a species are obsessed with pain. Be it the entrepreneurs trying to eradicate pain, the cults obsessed with inflicting it, the writer attempting to explain it, or the oppressed seeking to escape it. What is our r...
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